How To Optimize Facebook Ads for Ecommerce & 20 Hacks for More Sales

Master Facebook ad optimization for ecommerce! Apply these 20 sales-boosting hacks to target smarter, reduce costs, and drive consistent growth.

How To Optimize Facebook Ads for Ecommerce & 20 Hacks for More Sales
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Ecommerce businesses face many challenges, and one of the biggest is driving traffic to their online store. Even if you manage to get visitors to your site, how do you ensure they convert? For many, the answer lies in Facebook ads for ecommerce. Facebook is a great place to reach your target audience, and ecommerce ads on the platform can help you drive sales, not just traffic. In this blog, we’ll provide you with the insights you need to enhance your Facebook advertising strategies for ecommerce so you can boost sales and maximize your return on investment with comprehensive tiktok ecommerce strategy.
One way to achieve your goals is to track your Shopify store’s sales. This helps you understand which products are performing well and which aren’t so you can optimize your Facebook ads for e-commerce. Shophunter’s Shopify sales tracker is a valuable tool that can help you do that.

Why Do You Need a Facebook Ecommerce Strategy?

Facebook Ads for Ecommerce
Facebook Ads for Ecommerce
A dedicated Facebook strategy is crucial for e-commerce brands today. As of 2024, Facebook has 3.07 billion monthly active users and 2.11 billion daily active users, representing 68.73% of its monthly active user base. With a focused Facebook e-commerce strategy, brands can reach their target audience, convert potential leads into customers, and build a loyal following.

Facebook Is the Best Advertising Platform for Ecommerce

Right now, Facebook (Meta) is arguably the best advertising platform for ecommerce stores, and there are three reasons for this:


Facebook has so much high-quality data you can leverage to target your ideal customers.


With almost 3 billion active monthly users, Meta has the audience for you to scale your ecommerce business.


Facebook advertising is still relatively cheap compared to many other ad platforms, and it allows you to test and run different ads to find a winner.

Facebook Ads Can Help You Connect with Your Target Market

Facebook is the most popular social media platform, with over one billion users. Consider it if you still need to use social media to connect with people. Facebook's popularity allows you to attract new customers and market to them.

Facebook Ads Are Affordable

Advertising on Facebook can be cheaper than advertising elsewhere. Adverts in magazines and newspapers are very costly. PPC campaigns are effective, but they can eat up your budget quickly if you still need a trained and experienced team watching over your account. When setting up your Facebook adverts, you can limit your spending, and the CPC can be more cost-effective. Many businesses prefer having adverts on Facebook because it is cheaper than other forms of advertising.

Facebook Ads Help You Reach Customers at Every Stage of the Buyer's Journey

Inbound marketing involves advertising on social media to engage with people at different stages of the buyer's journey. By understanding your ideal buyer persona, you can create ads that meet their needs and move them to the next stage.
  • Awareness: Your advert can address the problems of your buyer persona and help them learn more about them and what they can do to solve them.
  • Consideration: For any contacts I've gained with my 'awareness' adverts, I can target them with ads that offer helpful solutions to bring them toward the decision stage.
  • Decision: I can create adverts that show my business as the solution they've been looking for and the best option.

Facebook Ads Offer Advanced Demographic Targeting

One of the most popular reasons businesses advertise on Facebook is because of the wide range of demographic targeting. If a new business needs a contact list to retarget, you can target brand-new customers instead. Facebook's audience is broad. By using their advertising abilities, you can target people on:
  • Gender
  • Age
  • Location
  • Job title
  • Job industry
  • Interests

Facebook Ads Help You Remarket to Your Current Customers

An advanced targeting option is "Custom Audiences," which lets you directly target contacts/leads from your CRM database on Facebook. Remarketing to your current customer database allows you to reconnect with customers and remind them to return to your business. When you have special offers, using Facebook ads is a quick and informal way to reach out. Unlike email, Facebook ads are less interruptive, allowing more inbound ads.

Facebook Ads Are Easy to Use

Another reason you should feel free to use Facebook ads is because they're easy to do. If you're not, you're missing out on a great way of engaging and connecting with your ideal customers. The tools have put some users off using Facebook to advertise. It can be unnerving when you first use:
  • Facebook Business Manager
  • Adverts Manager
  • Power Editor
Taking the time to understand the process of creating an advert and setting up the targeting options can give you the massive benefits of advertising on Facebook.

How to Run Facebook Ads for Ecommerce Websites

Facebook Ads for Ecommerce
Facebook Ads for Ecommerce

The Set Up: Getting Facebook Ads Ready for Business

Setting up your Facebook ad account is an underrated step. You don’t want to rush this process. Getting the technical foundation right is critical. Ensure your pixel is set up correctly, you’ve added the correct events and your website is appropriately connected to your Facebook business manager account. Here’s a helpful checklist to get the technical details sorted:

Technical checklist for setting up Facebook Ads

  • Set up your Facebook Business Manager
  • Upload your product data feed to Facebook and check for errors.
  • Set up conversion tracking.

Building Your Campaigns: The Right Structure Matters

Facebook advertising has changed a lot in 2024. How-to guides from 2 years ago are no longer relevant. A big trend in 2024 with Facebook ads is the push towards account consolidation. In other words, the simpler your ad account structure, the better! Here is how your ad accounts should be structured in 2024:

The Best Facebook Ad Campaign Structure

A common myth with Facebook ads is that you need hundreds of ads and dozens of ad sets to test. The truth is you don’t need complex campaign structures to be successful. This is often enough to see good results:
  • One campaign
  • One ad se
  • One ad
I recommend this structure when starting Facebook ads on a small budget:
  • Trust Facebook’s machine learning to find your buyers and invest more time in the ad creative strategy.
  • An ideal Facebook campaign structure would include 2-3 ad sets with 3-5 ads. Each campaign you build will also be based on a specific theme.
For example 1: Campaign 1 could be focused on new customer acquisition and themed around a particular product SKU, such as ‘women’s black dresses.’ That way, when you create ads and messaging, everything can be aligned to target customers shopping for black dresses.
For example 2: Campaign 2 could be a second customer acquisition campaign focusing on dynamic ad creatives targeting broad audiences.
You hand off the steering wheel to Facebook and let it use its machine learning to find customers for you.

Setting Campaign Objectives & Bid Strategies

Facebook gives you a lot of campaign objectives to choose from, but 99% of the time, you want to select conversions as the campaign objective. If you’re growing an ecommerce business, profit is my most crucial ecommerce metric to measure success against.
No other objective on Facebook ads better serves this than optimizing your campaigns for conversions. I’ll also mention that our Facebook ad agency uses CBO campaigns 90% of the time, and for the bid strategy, we set cost caps to protect from overspending and increasing CPAs.

Optimizing Your Ad Sets

The Ad set level of Facebook ads is where you control audience targeting and let Facebook know what goals you want to achieve. Many ‘Facebook Gurus’ will tell you to split-test dozens of different ad sets & audiences, but the truth is… You only need a maximum of 3 ad sets per campaign; often, one ad set is enough.
The idea here is to keep your audience targeting fairly broad. Let Facebook’s powerful machine learning figure out and optimize for the right audience. Essentially, here, you want Facebook to find your buyers.

Interest Stacks

This is where you manually use Facebook’s detailed targeting to select audiences based on interests. We like running it alongside broad audiences to see which ad sets drive lower CPAs.

Lookalike Audiences

Although I’m not a huge fan of lookalike audiences as I find it’s hard to scale with them, they can yield some good results early in a campaign, so you can look to introduce this audience targeting alongside broad audiences & interest stacks.
Here are a few more important tips to pay attention to at the Ad set level:
  • Ensure you have selected the right Facebook Pixel that’s correctly installed on your website.
  • Always ensure your conversion event is ‘purchases’ because that’s the #1 goal of your campaign.
  • You want to advertise your products to people most likely to buy.

Audience Targeting Best Practices in 2024

Facebook audience targeting involves telling Facebook who you want to show ads to. While there are many possibilities, my advice when starting is to keep your audience targeted broadly. You can use Facebook’s analytics tool to refine this and reduce your initial audience size as more data comes in.

Interest Stacking (Detailed Targeting)

When targeting audiences, you can introduce interest-based targeting to refine your target audience and optimize your campaign. This is often hard to scale; these audiences can degrade your ad performance over time.

How to Choose the Right Budget for Facebook Ads

What budget should you start with for ecommerce Facebook ads? Start with $400 daily and set cost caps based on your target CPA.
Important: You need to spend a good amount of budget on Facebook ads to reach the 50 purchases Facebook requires to exit the learning phase. If you’re not spending enough to reach the necessary 50 weekly purchases, you will get stuck in ‘learning,’ and ad performance will be inconsistent. You may even need to spend up to 3 times your average order value (AOV) when first starting with Facebook ads.
The idea here is to give Facebook enough budget so it can collect valuable data that you can use to optimize your campaign as it matures. At a minimum, you want to choose a budget based on the following:

Minimum Campaign Budget = Target CPA * 7.14 * # of Ad sets.

7.14 = the daily sales needed to exit Facebook’s learning phase within a week.
Target CPA = how much you will spend to acquire a new customer from Facebook ads.
For example, let’s say you have an average order value (AOV) of $50 and have a target ROAS of 2. Therefore, you’re willing to spend $25 to acquire a new customer. You also plan on launching one new customer acquisition campaign with two ad sets for testing.

Minimum Campaign Budget = $25 * 7.14 * 2 ad sets

One of the biggest mistakes I see ecommerce businesses make when advertising on Facebook and Google Advertising is not allocating enough budget to achieve meaningful results. You must assign a proper budget to get through the learning phase and use Meta’s incredible machine learning and predictive conversion modeling.

The Perfect Facebook Ad: Creative is Key

Ad creatives are arguably the #1 most successful factor for Facebook ads. Facebook advertising is one of the best platforms for generating and scaling your ecommerce business. Still, there are three key things you need to get right for Facebook advertising:
  • You need to have an excellent product(s) to sell.
  • Ad creatives need to be engaging & drive traffic to your landing pages.
  • Your ecommerce landing pages must be optimized for conversions.

The Anatomy of a Perfect Facebook Ad

Successful Facebook ads share two things in common: They emotionally engage customers. They educate and demonstrate a solution to a customer’s problem. One of the key things to getting Facebook ads to work is using engaging creatives. And more often than not, this is where many Facebook campaigns fall.
Here are seven simple ways to improve your Facebook Ad creatives:
  • Research your competitor ads to determine what’s working. The Facebook Ads Library is a great starting point.
  • Use videos that show the product being used by customers.
  • Use video testimonials of customers raving about how great your product is.
  • Think outside the box and incorporate giveaways using a lead generation campaign to gather emails you can remarket to.
  • Utilize dynamic creatives to let Facebook optimize the best creative combinations. Ensure the landing page you send Facebook traffic is relevant to the ad.
  • As with the campaign and ad set level, the call to action (CTA) should be clear and show the next step for customers.
  • Keep your ad creatives simple and easy for customers to understand.

Tracking The Facebook Funnel: Don’t Burn Money

As soon as your Facebook ads are live, you want to pay close attention to the performance of your campaign. Otherwise, you can burn through your money quickly. So, what should you be looking for exactly? The #1 goal is to ensure your Facebook Ads generate more revenue than they cost to run.
Here are the critical metrics on Facebook to watch closely:
  • Ad frequency
  • Cost per 1000 impressions (CPM)
  • Outbound clicks
  • Content views
  • Adds to cart
  • Checkouts initiated
  • Purchases Return on ad spend (ROAS)

Finding Problems in Your Facebook Ad Funnel

The views above are a great way to identify where your funnel is breaking quickly. This is a great way to tell if my Facebook campaign, product, or website is the problem, and you can work to fix it. For example, if you’re getting a lot of ‘adds to cart’ but the ‘checkouts’ are low, then this is most likely a conversion issue on your e-commerce store, and you’ll need to investigate what is causing this.
  • Could shipping rates be too high?
  • Is there a problem with your product price?
  • Does my website lack some key trust signals?

Return On Ad Spend (ROAS)

One of the most critical metrics on Facebook to pay attention to is your ROAS. This KPI is essential to understanding if Facebook produces a positive return on investment for you and lets you know when you’re ready to scale up your Ad spend. Regarding e-commerce, every store will have a different ROAS to achieve profitability. For your ecommerce store, you might calculate the following:
  • ROAS of 3 = Breakeven point
  • ROAS of 4 = Making Money
  • ROAS of 5 = Crushing it
Before running your Facebook campaigns, calculate your breakeven ROAS number so you can set clear goals.

Scaling Facebook Ads For Ecommerce: Know When You’re Ready

A word of warning. Scaling Facebook ads is an advanced level of Facebook marketing, and you should already have a few sales from your initial Facebook campaign before trying to scale. If you haven’t received any sales from Facebook yet, you need to go back and work on fixing your campaign before attempting to scale.

20 Essential Facebook Ads for Ecommerce Tips for More Sales

Facebook Ads for Ecommerce
Facebook Ads for Ecommerce

1. Use Stunning Images in Your Ads

Make sure you always use high-quality images in your ads. You should pick images that follow these guidelines:
  • The pictures should be:
    • Bright
    • Full of color
    • Eye-catching
  • Avoid images with the same colors as Facebook (blue and white) because they can blend in, and users won’t notice them.
  • Try to incorporate images of happy people. It’s even better if they are shown using your product.
  • Typically, pictures of women perform better than photos of men.
  • Make sure you choose an image that is the right size for your ad type.
Worldwide Breast Cancer had one of the best-performing ads of 2017. It had quite a few things going for it. Check out the bright, vibrant, eye-catching colors.
Remember that people tend to scroll through their Facebook feeds quickly. You need an image that will stand out among everything else. Facebook does let you put text in your ad images. The text can’t cover more than 20% of the total area. Photos can produce a lot of engagement all by themselves. Images can make them even more attention-grabbing by adding:
  • Powerful words
  • Phrases
  • Numbers
Worldwide Breast Cancer does this well with the hot pink headline at the top of their image.
Showing images of happy people in your ads can help create an emotional connection. This makes people more likely to click on my ads. I often feature my images in my ads, but I also recommend using images of others if they’re:
  • Smiling
  • Laughing
  • Happy
And try to select pictures of attractive people. I know it sounds shallow, and “attractive” is very subjective, but it’s a factor in getting clicks. You’ll want to use an image of an attractive woman if you’re advertising to a male demographic. If you’re targeting a female demographic, try to choose a photo of an attractive man.
Remember that most people are used to seeing actual pictures of their friends and family on Facebook, so cheesy stock photos won’t cut it. Try to use authentic images or real people. They tend to get more clicks.

2. Get Facebook Pixel for Your Website

Install Facebook Pixel so you can see Facebook customer actions on your website. This allows Facebook to create ads that directly target your customers.
  • Create a pixel by logging into Facebook, going to Events Manager, and then to your Pixels tab.
  • Click ‘Create a Pixel.
  • Add the pixel to your website.
I’ll walk you through how to do this for Shopify. If you use any other site type, click here for the steps needed to install your pixel.
For Shopify, do the following:
  • Go to Ads Manager on Facebook.
  • Go into the Pixels section.
  • Click “Set up a pixel.”
  • Click “use integration or tag manager.” Click “Shopify.
  • Click “Enter your pixel ID.” Copy your pixel ID.
  • Go log in to Shopify.
  • Go to your Shopify Admin panel.
  • Paste your pixel ID in the Facebook pixel section. Click “Save.
You can use the pixel to track activity and events on your website that you want Facebook to be aware of for ad targeting. Types of events you can choose to track are:
  • Purchase
  • Lead
  • Complete Registration
  • Add Payment info
  • Initiate Checkout
  • Add to cart
  • Add to wishlist
  • Search
  • View content

3. Use the Interests Field to Target Your Die-Hard Fans

People generally use Facebook to socialize, not to shop. This means putting your product in front of a laser-targeted audience is important to get results. If you target the right audience, who are only mildly receptive to your product, it will be much easier to drive conversions consistently.

Refining Your Target Audience with Interests

If you’re selling a niche product, experimenting with the “Interests” field is crucial. After typing in an interest, you’ll see relevant categories and pages for this audience. If you pick an interest that is too broad, the categories and pages that show up won’t tie closely to your target audience. Try to select a more narrow interest until you find the results are all closely related to your interest.
For example, “women’s running magazine” is more specific and will have more consistent results than just “running.” By combining multiple narrow interests, you’ll be able to create an audience of die-hard fans. Make sure that you’re being as specific as possible. Trying to target a wider audience is tempting, but it doesn’t work. If you try to please everyone, you’ll please no one. The reach on Facebook is extensive. Narrow it down as much as you can. Shrinking your target audience will increase your chances of conversions.

4. Create a Custom Audience for People Who’ve Already Viewed Your Product Page

Very few people will purchase your product when they arrive on your site. Data suggests that 98% of visitors to your website won’t purchase during their first visit. Even if you create a highly persuasive Facebook Ad and target the perfect audience, there can be a million reasons people won’t purchase on their first visit. That’s OK. As long as someone has checked out your product page, you know they have some interest in your product.
Creating a custom audience for people who have viewed your product page can help turn these visitors into buyers. When creating this custom audience, exclude people who are already customers. This means you’ll target only people who have viewed your product but haven’t made a purchase yet. Then, you can use this custom audience to provide a custom ad targeted only at them. For example, offer a small discount like 10% off, and make it for a limited time. This can boost conversion rates.

5. Target Cart Abandonment

To take remarketing one step further, you can target people who not only visited your product page and added the product to their cart but also abandoned checkout before completion. Why bother targeting cart abandonment? Almost 70% of visitors who add an item to their cart will abandon it before checking out. That’s a massive pool of potential sales! You already know these people were considering buying your product.
People who abandon their carts may only need a slight nudge to complete their order. You can easily create an ad asking them if they’ve forgotten to buy your item. Make sure you design the ad to include a picture of the item and link it to the product so they can finish the order quickly. In this Red Balloon ad, they take it further by including a discount offer. Remember that someone who abandoned their cart yesterday will be easier to convert than someone who abandoned their cart several weeks ago. If you target people who abandoned their cart a while ago, you must offer more significant discounts to lure them back.

6. Upsell to Your Current Customers

Many businesses segment their emails to try and sell additional products to their existing customers. But did you know that the same principle works for Facebook advertising? Upselling is an easy way to increase your sales by targeting people you know who are interested in your product. Someone who has purchased from you already is more likely to trust you and your brand. This is easier to sell than a new customer. After all, 65% of a company’s business comes from existing customers. You can boost sales and get a great return on your ad spend by upselling ads.

7. Build Referral Programs

Now you know Facebook Ads can encourage customers to make repeat purchases. They can also encourage customers to convert their friends into customers. How? You use Facebook Ads to promote referral programs. People are more likely to pay attention to an attractive pop-up in their Facebook news feed than an email about a referral program. You can offer your existing customers a discount in exchange for a referral or a video review of your product. These video reviews work well as social proof. This is why Facebook Ads are an excellent way to turn customers into brand advocates.

8. Promote Your Content

Content marketing and Facebook ads can be a powerful combination if done well. You should create content for every stage in your sales funnel. Then, you can promote it to the right audiences (based on where they’re in your funnel) using Facebook Ads. Whether you base your strategy on a traditional sales funnel (above) or a conversion funnel, you should have different types of content targeting people in each stage.
Directing different content to other customers is much easier with Facebook Ads. Using these ads can also help ensure that as people move through the funnel, your messaging changes to keep encouraging them toward the buying stage. Remember that the more times a person interacts with your brand, the greater the chance they will convert when you go for the hard sell.

9. Create and Target a Lookalike Audience

If you already have a customer list of at least several hundred people, you can build a lookalike audience on Facebook. This is a group of people who resemble your current or previous buyers. The more extensive and more detailed your customer list is, the more accurate your lookalike audience will be. If you already have repeat customers and brand advocates, include them in the list I use to build your lookalike audience.

The Power of Lookalike Audiences

Why is a lookalike audience valuable? This audience is a group of people Facebook believes are similar to your customers. This means the chances are that they’ll also like your brand and product. You can get a lot of great leads from a lookalike audience.

Personalizing Content for Lookalike Audiences

If your content has been successful with your customers, it will probably work with your lookalike audience, too. Knowing this allows you to personalize your content for them. Considering that personalizing your campaigns leads to an 89% uplift in conversion rates on social media, you should be doing this as much as possible.

10. Host a Contest

Contests on Facebook are a great way to drive sales. People love winning stuff. Whizzbangs is an excellent example of this—a Facebook timeline contest. Within minutes, this contest had 50+ likes! Notice that instead of saying “Get a free lunch,” they tell you they are giving away “$30 in Free Food.

Monetary Prize

Putting a dollar amount on the prize can make it seem more valuable. It also encourages customers to spend more when they come in. Since it’s more than just a free lunch for one, the chances are good that they’ll bring a friend or two with them.

Driving In-Store Traffic with Contests

If you see this and don’t win the contest, the image may have been enough to make you crave a burger. And if you live near Whizzbangs, you’ll probably go there to get it. What if you’re purely e-commerce, without a physical location? Contests can still work great.

Online Contests

It’s even more accessible and more immediate for a winner to redeem their prize when they don’t have to go somewhere to pick it up. Just ensure that you follow Facebook’s rules for contests, or you could get banned from future opportunities.

11. Create an Offer

Facebook Offers are another chance to increase your sales using Facebook. Although they’re no longer free to run on your page, they’re still a good way of offering a discount or time-limited incentive to fans and customers. Offers are valuable because people must visit your e-commerce site to redeem them. And if they come to your site, they will likely buy your products. You can run an Offer directly from your page’s Publisher — where you usually post status updates.
  • Click on the “Offer, Event+” to make this appear.
  • Now click “Offer.
  • A box will open up, giving you plenty of options.
  • Create a Facebook offer.
  • On the left-hand side is a preview of your Offer.
  • The setup options are on the right. Add the headline you want, choose a captivating photo, and pick your start and end dates.
  • Make sure your Offer includes any Terms & Conditions.
  • Then click “Create Offer.
The post will look like this: completed Facebook offer. The catch is that you must choose to promote the offer to select a target audience. If you don’t, the offer will be posted on your timeline. And you don’t want that because it will be much less effective.

12. Offer Discounts or Coupons Directly to Your Facebook Fans

Facebook has an app you can use to offer discount coupons. This app will allow you to provide your followers on Facebook with an exclusive discount. It can be a percentage off or even a free item. This technique has multiple benefits:
  • Like any promotional sale, it can help drive traffic and conversions.
  • As an exclusive offer to only Facebook fans, it encourages more people to sign up as fans (building leads).
  • The exclusive nature can also build loyalty since it rewards those who already follow you on Facebook.
You can use Facebook to showcase your products directly to your target audience. To do this, you create a product gallery. This type of gallery allows you for each product you want to promote to display:
  • Photos
  • Prices
  • Buy buttons
Giving your audience the convenience of simply clicking a “buy now” button without ever having to leave Facebook can help you capture impulse buys. If you have a Shopify store, you can easily integrate it with Facebook’s product gallery. You can set up your entire store for sale on Facebook in just a few steps. This allows you to add products to your online store and make changes in real-time.

14. Use Engaging, Catchy Copy in Your Ads

When you write anything, you always want it to engage with your target audience. With a Facebook Ad, capturing your prospect's attention with the first few words is even more critical. There needs to be more noise on Facebook. They will keep scrolling down their news feed if you wait to grab them. Your copy and the image with it should tell a story that speaks to your ideal customer.
One way to do this is by adding emojis to your copy. Just make sure they suit your ad's tone and your target demographic. People use emojis all the time as a way of evoking emotions while writing. Still, trying to figure out where to start? A distinct formula for writing copy increases your number of clicks.
Here are three specific phrases that will maximize clicks:
  • Want [blank]? Check out [blank]: [LINK]
  • Learn how to [do something]: [LINK]
  • Need to [fix a problem]? Here’s a simple way: [LINK]
You’ll notice that these ads are all simple. Show your audience that you understand their pain point or issue and how clicking on your ad will offer them a solution. Don’t overthink it. Keep it brief and to the end.

15. Use Words That Trigger Clicks

You must ensure your ads use words and phrases that grab attention. Just don’t use clickbait. Make sure your title relates to your content. Grab your audience’s attention using solid words. Try to incorporate a sense of urgency. We are highly susceptible to words that contain a sense of urgency. If you already know that your prospect is interested in your product, then this is where you want to push them toward a purchase.
Use words like the following:
  • Limited time only
  • Hurry Buy now
  • Don’t miss out
  • Offer expires
  • Act now
  • Clearance
  • One day only
  • Last chance
  • Deadline
Here’s a great example from Club W: Facebook ad tips club. The headline draws your attention with a value proposition, the text above the image explains the offer, and the description at the bottom promises guaranteed satisfaction. Notice how they use a larger font to highlight the most significant selling point. Why are catchy ad words so important? 8 out of 10 people will read your headline copy, but only 2 out of 10 will read the rest.

16. Create Facebook Ads That Encourage Email Sign-Ups

In the same way you combine Facebook with remarketing, you can integrate Facebook with email marketing. Use a Facebook lead-generation ad to offer something of value to your audience and motivate them to sign up for your email list.
The goal is to capture their email address, whether it’s a
  • Free trial
  • Product
  • App
Once people are on your list and have a positive impression of your brand, you can send them newsletters and promotions over time. When they become subscribers, you’ve effectively raised the probability of a sale.

17. Build Scrolling Images into Your Ads

Everyone loves a slideshow, right? Scrolling ads can display multiple ads on the same screen, presenting various products and keeping visitors curious. They can also highlight options for the same product, such as different colors or models. Facebook offers the Carousel Format ad, which allows you to display up to five images and/or videos with headlines, links, or calls to action in a single ad unit. The Facebook ad type is the CTW carousel.

18. Create Video Ads to Capture Attention

You can create a video and upload it to Facebook. Then, you can use Facebook Ads to increase the reach of your video. Many companies can’t afford to create high-quality videos from scratch. That means if you can make an affordable video and promote it on Facebook, you’ll gain an advantage over competitors.
Remember, the ideal length of a video on Facebook is somewhere between four and four and a half minutes. Facebook videos draw people in. Why? It makes them feel engaged. Videos are 2.9x more likely to help users feel connected to their friends and family, and they’re 1.9x more likely to give users something worth talking about.

19. Start Incorporating Live Video Into Your Facebook Ads

‘Another video option is Facebook live videos. Facebook live videos are a simple way to record and share videos in real-time. When you begin recording, Facebook will invite your followers to watch your video. That means viewers can like and share it while it’s still live. When you finish recording, it becomes a Facebook post as a video with the header “Recorded Live.”
If you have a YouTube channel, you can cross-promote by uploading the newly created video there. Econsultancy recently shared ten pioneering examples of brands using Facebook Live video. Product launches are a great chance to livestream since super-fans can get the scoop before anyone else. You can also use live video to create a webinar (another excellent way to boost sales).

20. Embed a Call to Action

People tend to respond favorably to CTA buttons. Facebook offers nine different calls to action that you can build into an ad: Facebook ad tips cta. Make sure you choose one that is relevant to your brand, goal, and ad campaign.
For example, if you’re a retail brand trying to sell a product, don’t use “Book Now.
  • The iPro Academy ad below uses the CTA word “Download.” That’s an obvious and natural choice for this ad.
  • Style service Five Four uses “Sign Up” as their call to action.
It may seem obvious, but a lot of businesses mess this up. Your text, headline, description, and call-to-action must be consistent without repetition. When that doesn’t happen, it creates confusion in the mind of your viewer. That means there’s less chance that your ad will get clicked.

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Facebook Ads for Ecommerce
Facebook Ads for Ecommerce
ShopHunter's Shopify sales tracker offers a unique tool for ecom founders, particularly those in the Shopify ecosystem. At its core, it is a custom algorithm that estimates sales for both entire stores and specific products, helping users quickly validate product potential. The platform goes beyond basic sales tracking, featuring an ad spy tool that monitors advertising activity across stores. This combination lets users spot trending products and successful marketing strategies early on.
ShopHunter aims to streamline product research and reduce the risk of investing in low-performing items whether you’re:
  • A dropshipper
  • A Shopify store owner
  • Someone looking to enter the e-commerce space
Sign up for a free trial (no credit card required) to our Shopify sales tracker tool find your next eCom opportunity, or to level up your current eCommerce store by learning from your competitors.

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Discover 5 proven techniques for generating new product ideas and explore 13 essential tools to help you bring your concepts to life.

11 Must-Know Google Ads for Ecommerce Tricks for Explosive Growth

11 Must-Know Google Ads for Ecommerce Tricks for Explosive Growth

Boost sales with these 11 must-know Google ads for ecommerce tricks designed to drive traffic, increase conversions, and fuel explosive growth.

19 Must-Track Ecommerce Search Metrics & 10 Best Analytics Toolsf

19 Must-Track Ecommerce Search Metrics & 10 Best Analytics Toolsf

Discover essential ecommerce search metrics to track and 10 top analytics tools to boost your online store's performance.

96 Winning Ecommerce Ideas to Inspire Your Next Online Ventur

96 Winning Ecommerce Ideas to Inspire Your Next Online Ventur

Discover 96 creative ecommerce ideas to kickstart your next online business and find the perfect inspiration for success.

How to Optimize Your Ecommerce Sales Strategy & 31 Best Tools for Scaling

How to Optimize Your Ecommerce Sales Strategy & 31 Best Tools for Scaling

Optimize your ecommerce sales strategy with 31 essential tools for scaling. Boost growth and drive more sales.

37 High Ticket Dropshipping Products to Maximize Your Profits in 2024

37 High Ticket Dropshipping Products to Maximize Your Profits in 2024

Maximize your 2024 profits with these 37 high-ticket dropshipping products, perfect for boosting your revenue.

How to Master E-Commerce Advertising & 13 Must-Try Strategies

How to Master E-Commerce Advertising & 13 Must-Try Strategies

Learn how to take your e-commerce advertising to the next level with 13 proven strategies for increased sales and brand visibility.

9 Easy Steps for Ecommerce Competitor Analysis & 31 Best Tools to Use

9 Easy Steps for Ecommerce Competitor Analysis & 31 Best Tools to Use

Stay ahead by following these 9 easy steps for ecommerce competitor analysis and using 31 top-rated tools to boost your strategy.

53 High-Demand Products to Sell in 2024 + 29 Must-Have Research Tools

53 High-Demand Products to Sell in 2024 + 29 Must-Have Research Tools

Learn how to generate fresh product ideas with five key techniques and leverage 13 tools to turn those concepts into reality.

42 Hot and Most Profitable Products to Sell Online in 202

42 Hot and Most Profitable Products to Sell Online in 202

Discover the most profitable products to sell online in 2024. Explore 42 top picks that can boost your profits and capture market trends.

8-Step Ecommerce Monitoring Strategy & 23 Top Tools To Use

8-Step Ecommerce Monitoring Strategy & 23 Top Tools To Use

Maximize your sales potential! This guide outlines an 8-Step Ecommerce monitoring strategy and provides essential tools to enhance your retail.

How to Build a Winning TikTok Ecommerce Strategy in 2025

How to Build a Winning TikTok Ecommerce Strategy in 2025

Discover how to build a winning TikTok ecommerce strategy in 2025. Learn top tactics to drive sales and boost brand visibility.

9-Step Competitive Product Analysis Guide & 25 Top Tools for Success

9-Step Competitive Product Analysis Guide & 25 Top Tools for Success

Learn how to conduct a competitive product analysis with this 9-step guide, plus 25 top tools to boost your success

How To Build Effective Ecommerce Ads & Boost Conversions for Your Store

How To Build Effective Ecommerce Ads & Boost Conversions for Your Store

Learn how to create ecommerce ads that work. From ad design to targeting, boost your online store’s performance and maximize sales effortlessly!

75 Top Ecommerce Tools to Power up & Accelerate Your Store’s Growth

75 Top Ecommerce Tools to Power up & Accelerate Your Store’s Growth

Discover 75 top ecommerce tools to power up and accelerate your store's growth. Find the best tools for every aspect of your business.

How To Create an Ecommerce Marketing Budget That Drives Results

How To Create an Ecommerce Marketing Budget That Drives Results

Learn how to create an effective eCommerce marketing budget that drives results and maximizes ROI.

27 Ecommerce Marketing Ideas To Boost Sales & Drive Growth

27 Ecommerce Marketing Ideas To Boost Sales & Drive Growth

Boost sales and drive growth with 27 proven eCommerce marketing ideas designed to enhance customer engagement and increase revenue.

13 Best Ecommerce Advertising Platforms & Tips To Skyrocket Your ROI

13 Best Ecommerce Advertising Platforms & Tips To Skyrocket Your ROI

Discover the 13 best eCommerce advertising platforms and tips to skyrocket your ROI and boost sales.

25 Best Analytics Tools for Ecommerce To Boost Sales & Optimize Growth

25 Best Analytics Tools for Ecommerce To Boost Sales & Optimize Growth

Improve your eCommerce performance with the 25 best analytics tools to boost sales, measure success, and fuel growth.

40+ Best Product Research Tool Ideas for Effective Market Research

40+ Best Product Research Tool Ideas for Effective Market Research

Find the best product research tools to elevate your market analysis. Explore our selection and unlock insights to boost your business strategy.

90 Best Ecommerce Products to Keep Your Online Store Buzzing

90 Best Ecommerce Products to Keep Your Online Store Buzzing

Struggling to find the best ecommerce products? The search is over! Download our list and learn more about profitable ideas for selling online!

How to Find Ecommerce Trending Keywords Like a Pro

How to Find Ecommerce Trending Keywords Like a Pro

Discover how to find ecommerce trending keywords quickly and efficiently to stay ahead in your market and boost sales.

How to Craft Ecommerce Video Ads That Sell & 17 Ideas To Test

How to Craft Ecommerce Video Ads That Sell & 17 Ideas To Test

Create high-converting ecommerce video ads with expert strategies and 17 innovative ideas designed to boost engagement and drive sales.

How To Make TikTok Ads That Drive Engagement & Boost Brand Reach

How To Make TikTok Ads That Drive Engagement & Boost Brand Reach

Master how to make TikTok ads to drive engagement, amplify your brand, and capture your target audience’s attention.

9-Step Strategy for E-Commerce Social Media Advertising Succes

9-Step Strategy for E-Commerce Social Media Advertising Succes

Maximize your e-commerce success with this 9-step social media ad strategy. Get tips on targeting, creatives, budgets, and performance tracking.

How to Leverage Ecommerce Ad Intelligence for Growth & 13 Tools To Use

How to Leverage Ecommerce Ad Intelligence for Growth & 13 Tools To Use

Maximize growth with eCommerce ad intelligence! Learn strategies and know 13 powerful tools to refine targeting and increase conversions.

23 Top PPC Competitor Analysis Tools for Smarter Ad Strategies

23 Top PPC Competitor Analysis Tools for Smarter Ad Strategies

Boost your ad strategy with 23 top PPC competitor analysis tools. Gain insights on competitors, improve targeting, and maximize ROI

A Beginner's Guide to Competitor Ads Analysis & 19 Tools for Success

A Beginner's Guide to Competitor Ads Analysis & 19 Tools for Success

Gain a competitive edge with this beginner's guide to competitor ads analysis. Find 19 tools to help boost your ad strategy and track rivals’ moves!

25 Best Ecommerce Analytics Tools for a Smarter Sales Strategy

25 Best Ecommerce Analytics Tools for a Smarter Sales Strategy

Take your ecommerce business to the next level! Learn how to use these 25 essential analytics tools to make data-driven decisions.

23 Best Ads Spy Tool Free & Paid Options for Better Market Insights

23 Best Ads Spy Tool Free & Paid Options for Better Market Insights

Browse 23 powerful ad spy tools, from free to paid, to help you analyze competitors and maximize ad performance.

16 Best Facebook Ads Spy Tool Options to Boost Your Ad Strategy

16 Best Facebook Ads Spy Tool Options to Boost Your Ad Strategy

Boost your ad strategy with these 16 Facebook ad spy tools. See what works for competitors and get insights to maximize your campaigns!

18 Best TikTok Ad Spy Tools to Boost Your Marketing Strategy

18 Best TikTok Ad Spy Tools to Boost Your Marketing Strategy

Boost your TikTok marketing strategy with these 18 top ad spy tools! Discover competitors' tactics and create better ads that drive results.

55 Best Ecommerce Marketing Tools to Boost Sales & Drive Growth

55 Best Ecommerce Marketing Tools to Boost Sales & Drive Growth

Struggling to grow your ecommerce store? Our curated list of 55 ecommerce top marketing tools will help you attract more customers and increase revenue.

25 Best Ad Intelligence Tools for Smarter Digital Campaigns

25 Best Ad Intelligence Tools for Smarter Digital Campaigns

Gain a competitive edge with these 25 top ad intelligence tools. Discover powerful insights to optimize your digital campaigns and drive better results.

20 Best Tools to Track Competitors Display Ads & Boost Your Campaigns

20 Best Tools to Track Competitors Display Ads & Boost Your Campaigns

Stay ahead of the competition! Discover the top 20 tools to track display ads & optimize your marketing campaigns.

20 Best Google Ads Spy Tools to Outsmart Ecommerce Competitors

20 Best Google Ads Spy Tools to Outsmart Ecommerce Competitors

Outsmart your eCommerce competitors with these 20 top Google Ads spy tools. Improve ad strategies, track competitors, and drive growth.

20 Best TikTok Ads To Spark Your Next Campaign Idea

20 Best TikTok Ads To Spark Your Next Campaign Idea

Get inspired with 20 top TikTok ads, featuring creative ideas and strategies to help your next campaign stand out and connect with viewers.

Complete AutoDS vs ZenDrop Side-by-Side Comparison

Complete AutoDS vs ZenDrop Side-by-Side Comparison

AutoDS vs. ZenDrop: Compare features, pricing, and user experience to find the best dropshipping tool for your business needs.

37 Best AutoDS Alternatives & 12 Evaluation Tips for Dropshippers

37 Best AutoDS Alternatives & 12 Evaluation Tips for Dropshippers

Need a better dropshipping tool? Check out 37 AutoDS alternatives and 12 evaluation tips to find the perfect match for your business.

13 Best Facebook Ad Library Strategies for Ecommerce Success

13 Best Facebook Ad Library Strategies for Ecommerce Success

Master 13 Facebook Ad Library strategies to skyrocket your eCommerce success and improve the performance of your online store's ad campaigns.

13 Meta Ad Library Insights to Drive Results & 4 Pitfalls to Dodge

13 Meta Ad Library Insights to Drive Results & 4 Pitfalls to Dodge

Drive better ad performance with 13 essential Meta Ad Library insights and learn how to avoid 4 major campaign pitfalls.

20 Best Adspy Alternatives for Smarter Ad Tracking

20 Best Adspy Alternatives for Smarter Ad Tracking

20 Best Adspy Alternatives for Smarter Ad Tracking

Top 18 BigSpy Alternatives for Smarter Ad Analysis

Top 18 BigSpy Alternatives for Smarter Ad Analysis

Ad analysis made smarter! Check out the top 18 BigSpy alternatives to boost your campaigns with powerful insights and competitive tools.

How to Source Dropshipping Products Fast & Build a Winning Store

How to Source Dropshipping Products Fast & Build a Winning Store

Start your dropshipping journey today! Learn how to source products fast and build a store that converts visitors into loyal customers