How to Find Winning Products Fast & 22 Best Tools For Dropshippers

Discover how to find winning products quickly with expert tips and the 22 best tools for dropshipping success.

How to Find Winning Products Fast & 22 Best Tools For Dropshippers
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Choosing the right products is crucial to your success. You might get lucky and find a winner by chance, but relying on luck isn’t a solid strategy for success. Instead, you can leverage ecommerce competitor analysis to help you find winning products. By examining your competitors' selling, you can uncover high-profit items to help you build a successful dropshipping business with a steady, scalable income. This guide will explore finding winning products to help you reach your goals quickly and efficiently.
One of the best ways to analyze your competitors is with Shophunter’s Shopify sales tracker. This tool enables you to find profitable products within minutes so you can focus on building your business instead of getting bogged down in research.

What is a Winning Product?

How to Find Winning Products
How to Find Winning Products

Proven Sales Record: The First Step in Finding Winning Products

To find a winning product, start by identifying a product with a proven sales record. A winning product has sales. Identifying profitable products to sell is crucial, as there is no way to categorize an item as a winning product if it hasn’t won yet.
How much sales should be considered? There is no single answer because products vary in price. For example, a toy katana may only be worth $3, but if it sold over a thousand units, who are we to say that $3,000 is not enough to classify it as a winning product? What matters here is that there is product movement.
If a product you are looking at has little to no sales, it only means no one is interested. The exception, of course, is if it is a new product that has barely seen the light of day. That is why I would also say that you must look at the product’s potential, not just its historical sales.

Social Buzz Matters: The Importance of Online Conversations

Next, look for products that have social buzz. Products make it big in the market for two reasons: good marketing and social buzz. Marketing is expensive, and as a dropshipper, you want to sell products already in people's minds. You want other markets to spend money to produce viral dropshipping products, not you.
The trick here is to find products people are talking about online and align with current market trends. Here are a few ways to do it:  Facebook comments, Instagram shares, likes, and TikTok product demos by influencers. If you sell a product with no or little current social significance, you will carry the burden of getting this product to the eyes of buyers. You would need to spend a lot of money to do this.  However, this kind of expenditure is the last thing that should be on our minds as dropshippers, especially during start-ups.

Reliable Suppliers Keep Your Business Running Smoothly

Another essential factor to consider when looking for a winning product is whether there are reliable suppliers you can trust. Even if the product you are looking at is great, it does not make sense if you cannot find a trustworthy supplier. I have tested many suppliers before from China, and my experience is not nearly as good as expected. I am not saying that Chinese suppliers are bad, but we should not expect all suppliers to meet our expectations.
I always tell dropshippers to test, test, and test suppliers. Indeed, you will spend money. However, it is better to do it this way and know who you can trust and rely on rather than get burned later. Bad suppliers can bring down your business quickly; before you know it, you have refund requests left and right. Choose a product where the supplier ships the accurate items And provides fast shipping services. Some suppliers need to ship the right products. For example, a supplier may send a blue phone case instead of the red one you ordered.
This is bad for business, and I don’t think I need to elaborate on that. In addition, your supplier must offer fast shipment or at least several shipping options. I know that once the supplier has handed over the item to the carrier, the shipping speed is no longer in his hands. At the very least, a supplier must pick, pack, and ship an order in as little as two days. In my experience, some suppliers take a week to pack the item! Imagine that, a week lost packing the goods!

High Quality and Great Design Are Essential for Winning Products

Another thing to look for in a winning product is its quality. The only way to test product dropshipping is to order it yourself. You know a good product if you see it, but do not be carried away by superb photography. Order the product and see the quality for yourself. If it is terrible, I do not recommend that you sell it.
One can argue that harmful products such as fake chargers sell thousands of units on Amazon. Yes, you can sell low-quality products, provided your goal is to reach out to low-budget markets, which I do not recommend. Your margins as a dropshipper are very low, so you want to sell mid-range to high-quality products where you can make a decent profit. For all you know, the people who sell low-quality goods on Amazon are the manufacturers, not dropshippers. These are companies that have FBA accounts with Amazon. It doesn’t make any sense to compete against them. In addition, customers who bought your low-quality products will not buy from you again. You want to have repeat customers—or customers who will highly praise your products and share their experience on social media.

Winning Products Solve Problems

A winning product solves a problem. People spend money to solve a problem. Sometimes, it is a problem that they do not realize until they see your commercial. This problem does not have to be technical or physical. Sometimes, it is mental or emotional. For example, you can sell products that teach toddlers numbers or letters.
You can also dropship winning products, such as toys, that solve the problem of boredom. There is always a problem that you can solve in any niche. It is only a matter of finding products that solve these problems. As such, I strongly recommend that you ask yourself: What problem is this product solving?

Reasonable Pricing Matters for Dropshipping Success

Some products may meet the checkboxes above but may be too expensive. Today’s market has changed. People expect affordable products; they are no longer looking for extravagance. What price is reasonable for dropshipping? There is no single answer to this, but there is a principle we call market equilibrium. It is a point where your desired price as a seller is the same as what consumers are willing to pay for.
Here are some steps to take to find the right price: Find competitors selling the product, Check if the product, at that price, is making sales, Determine how much you must pay your supplier for the same product, See if you can add a reasonable profit to it and still be able to compete. Let me give you an example. Here is a photo of a product from a supplier:
Here are some similar products on Amazon: As you can see, the price for Amazon products is much higher than what you will pay the supplier. If you look at the number of reviews, you can also conclude that people buy it. If you spend $42 to the supplier and sell your item for $75, your product is reasonably priced, and you can profit.

Winning Products Need to Be Profitable

About tip number 6, a winning product must be profitable. The consensus is that you must make at least a 20% profit margin. Profit margin is the percentage of what you earn from the item. Using our dumbbell product example earlier, we can calculate the product margin: Capital for the dumbbell is $42. We will sell it for $75. Our gross profit is $33. We divide $33 by $42, and we get 0.44. We multiply 0.44 by 100, and we get a profit margin of 44%. A profit margin of 20% is reasonable, given the fact that, as dropshippers, we do not pay rent for our warehouse, and we also do not pay for our inventory. Remember that to be profitable, you must have money left after paying all your expenses.

Shipping Costs Can Make or Break Your Dropshipping Business

Many drop ship gurus may tell you that furniture is a winning product because it offers high-profit margins. However, there is a caveat to this: shipping cost and shipping time. Furniture is heavy and, therefore, expensive to ship. I am not saying that you should avoid shipping furniture altogether. It’s just that you have to consider the shipping cost. Light products ship faster and cheaper. To some degree, you can even offer shipping for free and just cover the shipping cost from your profit.
Here are the disadvantages of expensive shipping: They usually tend to ship longer. Consumers avoid high shipping costs. You cannot shoulder the shipping costs as they are too costly. In addition to this, I also advise you to avoid dropshipping fragile and morally and legally questionable items. Here are some examples: Ceramics, Drinking glasses, Bottles, Breakable figurines, Sex toys, Batteries, and toys with chemicals. Breakable items are a headache.
Even if you mark them as fragile, shipping couriers don’t care. Although the supplier will take accountability for it, you cannot help how your customer would feel. You will just end up dealing with refunds. The same thing applies to legally questionable items. They can be held in customs or banned in a country, and the customer will not receive the product. In this case, this is your financial liability.

Look for Products with Mass Appeal

Mass appeal does not mean you should avoid niche products. It only means that the product has to be recognizable and that many people would be interested in it. Here is a product that has mass appeal: This toy has mass appeal because anyone who sees it may develop an interest. It is a remote-controlled helicopter that people can buy as a gift.
The helicopter drone is also easy to market. It solves the problem of boredom and provides entertainment not only to children but to the whole family. Opposed to this is a product that has no mass appeal. Here is an example: As you can see, people who see an advertisement for a bonsai cutter are not likely to be interested. Indeed, there is a market for people who grow bonsai plants, but that market is small.
Again, going niche is right. However, niche products like bonsai paraphernalia have a small market. In addition, once a bonsai enthusiast has purchased a bonsai cutter from you, do you think he will repurchase it? Not likely. Now, not all winning products have these characteristics. But in general, the more of these characteristics a product has, the more likely it is to be a winning product.

Why Is Finding a Winning Product Important?

How to Find Winning Products
How to Find Winning Products
A winning product is your key to success in dropshipping. One problem I see with many dropshippers is this: they fall in love with a product, build a dropshipping store, and then they sell these products. The result? No sales or poor sales. Why? It is because no one is interested in what they offer. They choose their products based on their personal feelings, not sales numbers and customer demands. I can say, from experience, that one of the worst things you can do as an entrepreneur is to make emotional decisions instead of informed decisions.

Guaranteed Demand

A winning product has guaranteed demand. The numbers from the winning product finder say it, and the people want it. If you go to social media sites and notice (like if you discover a TikTok dropshipping review) that a product has more than a million views, it tells you that people are interested in it. If there is interest, there have to be buyers, right?

Reduced Financial Risk

Although drop shipping is not a financially risky business, marketing is. Imagine if you advertised on Facebook or TikTok for a product nobody wants. People will not watch your ad, let alone click it. You would be spending hundreds of dollars on marketing and not generating revenue. Although you did not spend money on inventory, you lost money on marketing.

Faster Business Growth

Your business will only grow if you make sales. Revenue is the nutrient that every business needs. Winning products almost always guarantee a market waiting to pay for your offer. It takes time to find a winning product, but I can tell you right now that it is worth it. Starting your dropshipping business this way is much more practical than through trial and error. There are many dropship ideas, but not every idea will make it big. Finding a winning product is crucial for setting up a profitable dropshipping business.

What Is ShopHunter?

ShopHunter's Shopify sales tracker offers a unique tool for e-commerce founders, particularly those in the Shopify ecosystem. At its core, it is a custom algorithm that estimates sales for entire stores and specific products, helping users quickly validate product potential. The platform goes beyond basic sales tracking, featuring an ad spy tool that monitors advertising activity across stores.
This combination lets users spot trending products and successful marketing strategies early on. Whether you're a dropshipper, a Shopify store owner, or someone looking to enter the eCommerce space, ShopHunter aims to streamline product research and reduce the risk of investing in low-performing items. Sign up for a free trial (no credit card required) to our Shopify sales tracker tool to find your next eCom opportunity or to level up your current eCommerce store by learning from your competitors.

How to Find Winning Products for Dropshipping in 2024

How to Find Winning Products
How to Find Winning Products

Find Winning Products on Facebook Like a Pro

Facebook Marketplace is a great place to find dropshipping products that are winning. To do this, head to Facebook Marketplace and search for a relevant product. You can click on specific listings from here to learn more about them. The downside is that there is a lack of data on Facebook Marketplace. Instead, you want to use the Facebook Ads Library to find winning products.

Find Winning Products on Instagram

Instagram is another great place to find winning products. However, there is no data-driven way to find products on Instagram. Your best bet is to find a relevant influencer and browse their content. Focus on the posts that feature products and read the comments to glean insights on what buyers want.

Find Winning Products on Pinterest

Pinterest is a visual search engine with millions of users. Although it’s not a marketplace, it’s an excellent place to find winning products, especially in the female niche. Start by searching for products related to your niche, then look for pins with lots of repins to find out what people like.

Find Winning Products on YouTube

YouTube is a great place to find winning products for your dropshipping business. Start by searching for product reviews within your niche and look for any items with a lot of interest. The comments section can also help you find more information about what buyers want.

Find Winning Products on Amazon

Amazon is one of the most accessible places to find winning products for your dropshipping business. Start by searching for a product in your niche. Amazon will return results for the best-selling items within that category. You can check the number of reviews and ratings to find a product with good sales history.

Find Winning Products on eBay

eBay is similar to Amazon in that you can find winning products by searching for an item and looking through the results. eBay will return the best-selling products based on its algorithm, so you can get a good idea of what to dropship.

Find Winning Products on AliExpress

AliExpress is one of the most popular marketplaces for finding dropshipping suppliers. To find winning products, search for a keyword and filter results by orders to find the best-selling items. You can also check the reviews and vendor ratings to help assess product quality.

Find Winning Products on TikTok

TikTok is a growing social media app that has become a hotbed for product discovery. Start by searching for a product on TikTok, then check out the top videos to find out what items are selling well. You can also look at the comments for more details on what buyers want.

Find Winning Products on Etsy

Etsy is a marketplace for handmade items, and you can also find print-on-demand products. Start by searching for a product on Etsy to find existing listings. Look for items with high review scores to gauge sales history.
Google Trends is a free tool that helps you find winning products by showing how search volume changes over time. Start by searching for a product to see how interest fluctuates. Look for items that have consistent search volume.

How to Find a Winning Product with 22 Product Research Tools

How to Find Winning Products
How to Find Winning Products

1. ShopHunter: Discover Your Next Winning Product

ShopHunter's Shopify sales tracker helps eCommerce founders quickly validate product potential. At its core, it is a custom algorithm that estimates sales for entire stores and specific products. This unique feature allows users to identify products with high sales potential quickly. The platform goes beyond basic sales tracking, featuring an ad spy tool that monitors advertising activity across stores. This combination lets users spot trending products and successful marketing strategies early on. Whether you're a dropshipper, a Shopify store owner, or someone looking to enter the eCommerce space, ShopHunter aims to streamline product research and reduce the risk of investing in low-performing items. Sign up for a free trial (no credit card required) to our Shopify sales tracker tool to find your next eCom opportunity or to level up your current eCommerce store by learning from your competitors.

2. AutoDS: Simplifying Dropshipping

AutoDS is a dropshipping management platform that automates various online store management tasks. It integrates with multiple marketplaces and provides a centralized platform for managing orders, inventory, pricing, and product research. One of AutoDS's key features is its product research tool, which helps users find profitable products to sell by analyzing sales data and other metrics.
Users can also filter search results by criteria like price, category, and supplier. AutoDS's "Hot Products" feature shows users the top-selling products across various marketplaces, updating the list regularly based on sales data. This can help users quickly identify popular products to add to their store. The platform also offers competitor analysis tools to help users analyze their competitors' sales data and pricing strategies. This can provide valuable insights into what's working in their niche and help users make informed decisions about their product selection and pricing.

3. Sell The Trend: All-in-One Dropshipping Solution

Sell The Trend is an all-in-one dropshipping platform that provides tools to help users find and sell winning products. The platform includes a product research tool, a store builder, a Facebook Ad creator, and more. The tool allows users to search for trending and profitable products across multiple platforms, including AliExpress, Amazon, and eBay.
It also includes a "Nexus" feature, which uses AI to identify related products and niches. The platform's store builder makes it easy to create a professional-looking store quickly. It includes pre-designed templates, product page customization tools, and more. Sell The Trend's Facebook Ad creator is another helpful feature. It allows users to create high-converting ad campaigns quickly, using pre-made templates and targeting options.
Ecomhunt is a dropshipping product research platform that helps users find and sell winning products. The platform provides various tools to help users identify trending and profitable products, including a product database, ad insights, and more. One of Ecomhunt's key features is its product database, which includes a curated selection of winning products that are updated daily. Users can search the database by category, price range, and other criteria to find products that fit their niche.
Ecomhunt's ad insights feature provides valuable data on successful Facebook ad campaigns, including targeting options, ad copy, and more. This can help users create effective ad campaigns for their products. The platform also includes a "hunt" feature, which allows users to submit products they believe are trending and profitable. Ecomhunt's team then evaluates these products and adds them to the product database if they meet the criteria.

5. Niche Scraper: Unearth Profitable Niches

Niche Scraper is a product research tool that helps users find and sell winning products for their
dropshipping business. The platform includes various features and tools to help users identify profitable niches and products, including a product database, store analysis, and more. Niche Scraper's product database includes a curated selection of profitable products that are updated daily.
Users can search the database by category, price range, and other criteria to find products that fit their niche. The platform's store analysis feature provides valuable insights into successful online stores, including the products they sell, their pricing strategies, and more. This can help users identify trends and opportunities in their niche. Niche Scraper also includes a "trend explorer" feature, which allows users to identify trending products and niches based on search volume and other data.

6. Minea: Find Winning Dropshipping Products in Minutes

Minea aims to simplify every dropshipper's journey. It enables you to launch winning products in three clicks. This platform also focuses on helping you scale your eCommerce business and boost profits. It has a few great features, but a crucial one is that it provides access to the best-performing ads in any niche in real-time, allowing you to stand out with exceptional creatives.
On the other hand, Minea has a tool called Success Radar, which AI powers. This tool provides insights such as product trends and ad engagement while helping identify bestsellers and avoid underperformers. With a simplified structure and many options, Minea can be an excellent product research tool for dropshipping.

7. Find Winning Dropshipping Products offers a complete solution for discovering winning products to sell. With access to millions of products, this platform allows you to explore a vast database tailored to your interests and niche. This platform’s spy tools take product research to the next level, offering a product database to monitor what products are selling, a sales tracker to monitor store revenue, and competitor research tools to find stores selling products you’re researching.

8. Dropship Spy: Analyze Top-Selling Dropshipping Products

Dropship Spy provides dropshippers access to an extensive collection of winning products. With over 2500 top-selling products from Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, Dropship Spy tests each product for engagement and sales before inclusion in its database. This platform goes beyond social proof products, offering analyses of products on AliExpress, including sales figures, profits, and other vital indicators.

9. Helium 10: Product Research for Amazon Dropshipping

Helium 10 is a robust suite of tools designed to accelerate the growth of businesses, brands, and agencies engaged in Amazon FBA and Walmart selling. This platform aims to streamline operations and achieve more results in less time by offering over 30 tools and solutions. Among its essential functionalities, Helium 10 excels in product research, allowing users to discover profitable products efficiently. This feature is vital for dropshippers seeking reliable product research tools to navigate the competitive eCommerce landscape.

10. AliExpress Dropshipping Center: The Free Tool You Should Be Using

AliExpress provides a handy tool called the Dropshipping Center. This free solution for product research dives into the vast sea of AliExpress products, analyzing and ranking them based on sales volume, customer ratings, and overall sales performance. It’s like having a treasure map guiding us to the most promising products within the AliExpress marketplace. By leveraging this tool, we can save time and effort, focusing on items that have proven success.

11. Amazon Best Sellers: The Oldie but Goodie

The Amazon Best Sellers list acts as a source of valuable insights for dropshippers. This constantly updated list is an excellent source of information, showing a list of the top-selling products across the most profitable categories. In that case, it provides dropshippers with a birds-eye view of the products currently capturing customers’ attention and wallets.
By examining the Amazon Best Sellers list, dropshippers can access much data, including the sales volume and popularity of items within specific niches. For this reason, it becomes a strategic tool for market analysis. Therefore, by regularly looking at the Amazon Best Sellers list, dropshippers can align their product offerings with the current pulse of consumer interest.

12. Temu 5-Star-Rated & Best Sellers: Another Source for Product Research

Temu provides a curated selection of high-ranked and best-selling items on its platform. For this reason, the “Best Sellers” section, coupled with category and timing filters, highlights products performing exceptionally well. It’s like having a showcase of top-performing items, making it easier for us to identify potential winners and stay updated on the latest trends.

13. Google Lens: Visual Product Research

Google Lens emerges as a cutting-edge ally in product research, introducing an innovative approach through image recognition technology. Overall, it functions as a digital detective, enabling dropshippers to identify objects and visually uncover hidden market opportunities. Scanning competitors’ best-sellers with Google Lens becomes an efficient strategy to understand market demands. This tool goes beyond traditional methods, providing a visual dimension to product research.
Delving into social media, particularly on platforms like TikTok, become a strategic move for product research. In a word, searching for product-related hashtags, such as #TikTokMadeMeBuyIt, reveals plenty of trending products. Joining a conversation where social media users express their interests and preferences is strategic.
By monitoring relevant hashtags, we can gain a real-time understanding of popular products, allowing us to adapt our strategy. This approach transforms social media into a valuable source of market insights and a direct connection to potential customers.

15. DSers: Find Winning AliExpress Products to Sell

DSers is a good choice for those looking for a dropshipping product research tool that connects them directly to AliExpress suppliers. DSers is a Shopify app that not only lets you find AliExpress products to dropship but also lets you import them to your site with just a few clicks. As of this writing, DSers-AliExpress has more than 20,000 reviews in the Shopify app store with a perfect rating of 5.0 stars, making it one of the best product search tools for dropshipping.

16. Intelligynce: Spy on Profitable Dropshipping Products

Intelligynce is a collection of tools and software that assists aspiring ecom merchants in doing in-depth research and analysis and extracting the finest and most profitable products. This program has access to over 380 product categories on AliExpress, so you can instantly find the best products for your online store. Additionally, it allows you to spy on more than 400,000 Shopify dropshipping stores to see how they are performing. You may also use it to look for commodities on the Amazon and eBay markets.

17. AliShark: Smart Product Research for Dropshipping

Another tool explicitly created for dropshippers, AliShark, was founded by Yousef Khalidi, a well-known dropshipping expert. The website describes itself as a “spy tool” that analyzes several data points on AliExpress and alerts dropshippers to which products they should avoid. It’s a sophisticated product research tool that allows you to locate the best dropshipping items.

18. Pexda: Daily Dropshipping Product Insights

Pexda is a popular product research tool that offers daily insights into new winning products, and it provides a wide range of features that make identifying winning goods much simpler and more efficient.

19. Sale Source: Research Tools for Rapid Product Discovery

SaleSource is a product research tool that uses product analysis, trend assessments, and competition comparisons to help eCommerce stores develop quicker and more securely. It’s especially beneficial for merchants since it gives them many options for identifying the most popular and in-demand products.

20. Zonbase: Researching Amazon Dropshipping Products

The following dropshipping product research tool is Zonbase. We know some dropshippers might be using platforms that are not Shopify – such as Amazon. That’s why we included this one in our list. will show you what’s trending on AliExpress and inspire you for your product research. You can even filter products by categories and see items inside your niche.
Exploding Topics is not specifically a dropshipping research tool. Instead, it is a tool that helps you identify upcoming trends on the entire internet. This means topics of all sorts. As mentioned, Exploding Topics is not explicitly used to research dropshipping products.
Thus, if you are solely looking for the latter, this list has better solutions. But if you want a powerful research tool for your content strategy, this one is worth trying to see if it can help you publish trending content on your dropshipping store.

Why Do You Need to Use Tools For Product Research?

How to Find Winning Products
How to Find Winning Products
Product research tools streamline the process of finding winning products to sell online. First, they automate tedious tasks, like searching for products on other websites and finding current prices on different eCommerce platforms and supplier websites. Whether you’re looking for dropshipping products or products for Amazon FBA, research tools will save you loads of time.
Next, they provide data-driven insights to help you make informed decisions. For example, these tools show market favorites based on order rate and include metrics like profits, engagements, Facebook ads, video targeting, and competition. Finally, many product research tools integrate with your eCommerce platform, allowing you to import winning products directly to your store.

9 Tips for Choosing Winning Dropshipping Products

How to Find Winning Products
How to Find Winning Products

1. Don't Limit Yourself to the Top Sellers

When looking for winning products to dropship, getting caught up in whatever’s trending is easy. You might even be tempted to sell the same items as your competitors. After all, these products must be in demand to be popular, right? While this logic makes sense, it’s important to avoid restricting your product selection to only top-rated products on marketplaces like Amazon or eBay. Instead, look for items with promise but fewer sellers. You can use tools like DSers to help you find these dropshipping gems.

2. Unearth Hidden Gems by Looking at Older Products

Many dropshipping products go through life cycles. First, a handful of stores will sell the item. Then, as the product gains popularity, more and more dropshippers will begin selling it. Eventually, competition will get so high that profit margins will shrink, and the product won’t be as appealing to sell. If you look at an older product’s sales history, you’ll see that there’s still a market for it. Customers’ preferences change over time, including older dropshipping items that may have once been popular.

3. Research Your Competition

When you find a product that interests you, it’s time to start thinking about how you’ll sell it. You might consider the various marketing strategies you could employ, the complementing items you could offer, or the product imagery you could utilize. However, before you get ahead, take a step back and look at the shops currently offering the item. Checking other retailers will help you visualize how the product will appear in your dropshipping business.

4. Don’t Take Product Research Data at Face Value

Many product research tools will give you a wealth of knowledge on a particular product. This could include product competition details, reasonable selling price, or profit margin. However, it’s virtually impossible for a product research tool to keep track of every retailer, supplier, and order for all the items they display. So, take this information with a grain of salt. Finally, the suggested selling price is rarely the best for the product. You need a suitable pricing strategy to determine the selling price to optimize your profits. Using a proper pricing strategy will help you choose the optimal selling price for your product based on the product’s perceived worth, your target market, and the cost of the product.

5. Be Aware of Seasonality

Some products perform best during a specific season. For instance, offering Christmas items throughout the holiday season will be simplest. The demand for Halloween-related goods, which peaks before Halloween, is the same. The key takeaway is that while a product you saw may have some appealing qualities, you must also consider the season and the location of the audience you intend to reach. If you decide to offer a product susceptible to seasonality, remember that it won’t be simple to sell the product all year long, and you’ll probably need to transition to new items during the year. Google Trends is an excellent resource for determining consumer interest in a specific item or market.

6. Use Efficient Dropshipping Tools to Your Advantage

Selecting the products you want to sell via dropshipping might be complex. Fortunately, an excellent dropshipping tool has several resources that assist you in determining which products are the most excellent fit for your dropshipping company. Also, they can assist us in keeping track of inventories and costs, enabling us to choose products with knowledge. These technologies will enhance your company’s marketing and research initiatives while saving you significant time and money.

7. Find Low-Cost Products to Attract Consumers

Consumers are becoming more knowledgeable and ethical today, especially regarding online buying. As a result, price comparison between different sellers is the first step individuals take when making purchases online. You may decrease the prices of your dropshipping products by picking suppliers that give reasonable offers and choosing a supply chain that doesn’t contain unneeded intermediaries or mediators.
Consider choosing a shorter, more compact channel with minimal intermediates. Since the cost of your product will increase with each new intermediary, the shipping procedure will only get more complex and inefficient. One of the most significant places for this is AliExpress.

8. Consider Product Dimensions and Shipping Origin

When choosing the items for your dropshipping business, consider factors like product size, weight, and country of distribution. These details can seem minor to a novice, but seasoned sellers can see how they can influence how well or poorly your dropshipping business ultimately does. Try to select items that don’t weigh a lot, are compact, and are supplied from a nation you know has effective and quick delivery to lower your shipping expenses and, consequently, the ultimate rates for end customers.

9. Use Social Media as a Product Research Tool

Having a strong internet presence has several advantages. Social media gives you a powerful platform to communicate with your current consumers and find new potential clients. If you properly market your company, you’ll soon notice a difference in your sales. Via community trends, you may get a good indication of the most popular things while product-hunting on social media. You may also monitor your rivals to see which items generate the most interest.

68 Dropshipping Winning Products for High Profits in 2024

How to Find Winning Products
How to Find Winning Products

Home Improvement: A Booming Market for 2024

The home improvement market is set to reach over $550 billion in the next couple of years. With such incredible growth, the demand for these products under this category will increase. Here are some of the top dropshipping-winning products in the home improvement product category:

1. Kitchen Cleaning Skillet Brush

This double-ended pot brush is perfect for cleaning out the toughest stains from pots. The dense and compact bristles can work against built-up food, whereas the long and easy-to-hold handle makes the brush effort-saving and convenient.

2. Decorative Throw Pillows

These Nordic striped decorative throw pillows can be the perfect home décor to add to the bedroom, the guest room, or the living room. The Nordic stripe design sets these pillows apart from other designs and adds an element of warmth and comfort to any space.

3. Heated Pet Bowl

This pet food bowl is suitable for all kinds of pets, such as dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, and other small animals. The built-in thermostat ensures that food and water remain at appropriate temperatures.

4. Decorative Ceramic Imitation Vases

These vases in different colors and sizes are the perfect home décor item. The lightweight plastic vases imitate heavier and more expensive ceramic ones, giving you a more affordable but equally beautiful alternative.

5. Star Light Christmas Decorations

With Christmas right around the corner, these starlight decorations can be an excellent addition to your Christmas décor. The warm white lights are perfect for bringing Christmas warmth to the colder months.

Consumer Electronics: A Hot Dropshipping Market

In the digital age, the demand for consumer electronic products is increasing daily. This makes the consumer electronic category very profitable for dropshippers and offers several dropshipping-winning products.
Here are some of the best dropshipping products in the consumer electronics category:

6. KODAK Vintage Retro M35 / M38 35mm Reusable Film Camera

Film cameras are all the rage nowadays as people try to regain that 80s nostalgia. The KODAK Vintage Retro comes in several fun colors, is lightweight, and has reusable film.

7. Smart Power Strip with Wi-Fi Power Bar

This extension cord power strip has four outlets and four UBS ports to connect various devices to the power. The power strip can also be controlled by Google Home or voice-controlled via Alexa for easy use.

8. H16 Women's Smart Watch

Not only are smart watches stylish accessories that can tell you the time, but they also have many additional features such as step and calorie count, blood pressure and heart rate recording, remote camera and music control, and call rejecting.

9. JBL Go 2 Mini Portable Wireless IPX7 Waterproof Bluetooth Speaker

Wireless Bluetooth speakers are easy to carry and convenient to use. JBL is a reliable brand, and the IPX7 is an excellent option if you're looking for quick charging and loud music.

10. Laptop Cooling Stand

As more people work from home, office supplies such as this folding laptop cooling stand are in demand now more than ever. This lift-style aluminum alloy laptop stand is compatible with MacBooks, iPads, and iPad Minis.

Phone Accessories: A Steady Demand

Phone accessories have shown steady demand in the last couple of years and are expected to continue to be in high demand. They are actually some of the best items to dropship because they can be sold in bundles and offer many opportunities for high profits.
Here are some of the top winning products for dropshipping in the phones and accessories category:

11. Power Bank Charger

The Baseus GaN is a portable, adaptable 2-in-1 power bank and charger for all devices. It uses 45 watts of power and guarantees fast charging. It is also straightforward to use when traveling.

12. USB Car Charger

Most people can benefit from a car charger. The 2.1A Smart Car Charger has two outputs and is compatible with phones, tablets, and other digital devices. It is difficult to go without the convenience of having all of your devices fully charged by the time you reach a destination.

13. 3 In 1 Bluetooth Wireless Selfie Stick Tripod Foldable

With social media growing in popularity and many people trying out influencing, a selfie stick tripod is a perfect accessory to have on hand. This 3-in-1 tripod is Bluetooth-powered, compatible with most phones and cameras, and lightweight and portable.

14 LED Selfie Ring Light

This LED Selfie Ring Light comes with ten brightness modes and three colored lights, is easy to charge via a USB port, and can be used through a timer to get the perfect photos. The ring light is perfect for any social occasion and great for recording live videos.

15. Liquid Silicone iPhone Case

Phone cases, especially protective, aesthetically appealing ones, are high-selling. The Liquid Silicone Case for iPhone 11 Pro Max Full Protector Camera Case is lightweight while protecting your phone. It is also available in several colors and made with environmentally friendly food-grade silicone.

Sports and Outdoors: A Healthy Trend

With more and more people becoming health-conscious and more involved in sports and outdoor activities, the demand for sports and outdoor products has dramatically increased. From exercise equipment and tools to camping products, the niche for these products is full of several winning products that do very well in online dropshipping stores. Here are some of the top winning products dropshipping in the sports and outdoors category:

16. Stainless Steel BBQ Cleaning Brush

This multipurpose stainless steel brush is perfect for cleaning the barbeque grill after a long day of grilling. The ergonomic design makes the brush easy to hold and use, and the brutal metal can scrape off any food or grease remains.

17. Frosted Gradient Color Water Bottle

These beautiful plastic water bottles are available in different gradient color combinations and in two sizes, holding 1,500 and 2,000 ml of water. They have large-capacity straws and easy-to-use handles that make carrying them easy and convenient.

18. EPP Electric Yoga Column Foam Roller

This electric yoga foam roller comes with five vibrating speed adjustments for deep muscle relaxation, reduced chances of injury after exercise, and for activating the body's nervous system. The roller is also small enough to be stored easily and carried to and from the gym if needed.

19. Outdoor Hiking, Camping, and Cycling Backpack

This multipurpose outdoor backpack by Anmeilu is the perfect size for carrying during hiking, camping, or cycling. It is made from nylon with an arylene lining and can carry up to 0.49 kg of weight. It also comes with an internal water bag warehouse and a helmet pocket.

20. Solar Power LED Flashlight

Whether you're going out camping or on a long hike, a high-powered, multipurpose flashlight can also come in handy. This LED light comes with a built-in solar panel for emergency charging, a safety hammer, an emergency cutting tool, and a DC power source that can be used to charge your phone.

Shoes and Bags: A Stable Demand

The demand for shoes and bags has steadily risen over the last five years. This demand is expected to continue to rise, meaning that shoes and bags are some of the best products for dropshipping. This is especially true because of the wide variety of styles, colors, materials, and sizes available for shoes and bags. Here are some of the best dropshipping items in the shoes and bags category:

21. Mini Women’s Bag

This mini fashion bag is a small, box-shaped bag with a lock opening method. It is available in five colors: green, black, white, blue, and purple. The outside of the bag is covered in PU leather, and the inside is lined with polyester.

22. Men’s Professional Air Cushion Sneakers

These professional men’s sneakers are lightweight, comfortable, and breathable while offering complete support. They are suitable for differently shaped feet and can accommodate wider and narrower feet as well as different sizes.

23. Thick Bottom Square Toe Sandals

These platform heels of square-toe sandals are trendy nowadays and must be a part of every woman’s wardrobe. These heels come with a 5cm platform and a 14cm heel. They are also available in various colors, including green, black, orange, white, and yellow.

24. Children’s Trolley Case

This children’s suitcase comes in a convenient size of 20 inches and has a cute design that any little girl would love. The briefcase has an easy-to-use trolley configuration so any child can pull it along alone.

25. Men’s Multifunctional Shoulder Bag

This stylish men’s bag is multifunctional and can carry various items like digital devices, essential documents, and books. The bag is made out of PU leather with a polyester lining and is available in coffee and black.

Mother and Kids: A Growing Market

The global market for mother, child, and baby care is expected to grow to over $1215 billion by 2027. Much of this expected growth can be attributed to the general trend of people being more cautious about the products they use for new mothers, young children, and babies.
Not only is there a lot of expected growth for this niche, but most products in this niche category are in demand throughout the year. Here are some of the top dropshipping-winning products in the mother and kids category:

26. Baby Floor Socks

The Nemo baby floor socks are made from combed cotton and are breathable. They come in three sizes, from newborn babies to five-year-old kids. The non-slip soles of the socks allow your baby to learn how to walk without slipping and falling comfortably.

27. Maternity Support Belt

This polyester maternity support belt is soft and breathable, offering expecting mothers added comfort and support. It is easy to use and can be worn throughout the pregnancy.

28. Baby Utensils Set

This baby training fork and spoon set is designed to help your baby learn how to use utensils when eating. The set is made of non-slip relief material, so the baby can grip it easily. It also offers 360-degree rotation for comfort and can be boiled and disinfected.

29. Silicone Donut Teether

These silicone donut teethers are made from food-grade silicone and are nitrosamine-free, PVC-free, latex-free, phthalate-free, and BPA-free. They are perfect for babies older than four months and come with a pacifier chain.

30. Blooming Baby Bath Mat

Use this adorable flower-shaped bath mat to keep your baby comfortable when you bathe them. The mat comes in different colors and has a diameter of 80cm. It is suitable for babies up to the age of one.

Beauty and Health: Growing Online Sales

Some of the best products for dropshipping are beauty and health products. As more people become health-conscious worldwide and social media presence strengthens, the demand for various beauty and health-related products is expected to rise. In particular, makeup, skincare, and hair care products are in high demand.  Here are some of the top winning products for drop shipping in the beauty and health category:

31. Double Side Silicone Facial Cleanser Brush

Use this double-sided silicone facial cleanser brush to gently exfoliate the skin and remove impurities and blackheads. The brush also promotes blood circulation, relieves skin pressure, and promotes the absorption of any skincare products you use.

32 Posture Correction Belt

This lightweight, breathable, and comfortable posture correction belt improves your posture. The belt is available in three sizes: small, medium, and large. It can be worn throughout the day during your daytime activities.

33. Nordic Manicure Press On Nails

This set of press-on nails comes with a beautiful Nordic-style manicure. With 24 nails in 12 sizes, you will indeed find the perfect fit for a natural appearance.

34. Acne and Spot Patches

These transparent, traceless, and ultra-thin acne patches come in various sizes and help protect acne and spots from dust, irritation, and airborne virus, promoting faster healing. Each pack comes with 36 patches.

35. Portable Eyelash Case

This portable, plastic eyelash case comes with a mirror, an eyelash applicator, a bottle for adhesive, and two small eyelash containers. It is available in four colors: pink, white, blue, and brown.

Cars and Motorcycles: Always Increasing Demand

Car accessories and repair tools are constantly increasing in demand as newer and easier-to-use products are manufactured yearly. Here are some of the dropshipping winning products in the cars and motorcycles category:

36 Large Car Cup Holder

This matt black, large cup holder, with a diameter of 105 mm, is compatible with most cars and allows you to comfortably keep any kind of drink in the car while reducing the chances of spilling.

37. Motorcycle Rear View Mirror

These rearview mirrors use aluminum housing and anti-glare mirrors to enhance your driving experience. They are compatible with Honda, Yamaha, and Suzuki scooters.

38. Portable Microfiber Brush

Microfiber is the perfect material for cleaning your car. Use this portable, easy-to-hold microfiber brush to clean your car’s wheels, rims, and tires.

39. Leather Tissue Box Cover

Improve the interior appeal of your car by placing your tissue box in one of these leather tissue box covers. The covers can be hung from the car ceiling as well.

40. Motorcycle Gloves

Keep your hands warm while driving your motorcycle with these genuine leather gloves. They are available in sizes from S to XXL.

Jewelry and Accessories: Personalized Products Are Hot

Personalized jewelry and accessories have been the latest trends. The demand for different jewelry styles has increased significantly in the last few years and is expected to continue rising.
Here are some of the top dropshipping-winning products in the jewelry and accessories category:

41. Hand-Beaded Fashion Multi-Layer Bracelet

This multi-layered bracelet, with its hand-beaded layers, gives the illusion of a bracelet stack. Evil eye pendants are very in style this year. The bracelet is also available in different color combinations.

42. In Style Smiley Ring

This titanium steel ring is available in steel and gold colors and has an in-style smiley face printed on it. It is available in sizes from 7 to 12.

43. Snake Chain Letter Necklace

This necklace with a round snake chain comes with a zircon letter pendant. You can get the pendant in any letter of your choosing.

44. Rhinestone Bridal Headband

This bridal headband comes encrusted with rhinestones and has a 13cm diameter. It can be the perfect accessory for any bride.

45. Metal Flower Drop Earrings

These earrings are 7.5cm long, made from a metal alloy, and shaped like maple leaves. They are encrusted with rhinestones and are perfect for any occasion.

Fashion and Clothing: Fast Fashion Is Growing

With fast fashion growing every day, the fashion and clothing market is set to grow extensively in the coming years. Clothing is always in demand, especially high-fashion clothing. Here are some of the top winning products dropshipping in the fashion and clothing category:

46. Wide Leg Boyfriend Jeans

These wide-leg boyfriend jeans, made with a denim-cotton blend for comfort, are available in sizes XS to L.

47. Retro Square Sunglasses

This square shape is the latest trend in sunglasses. Try these sunglasses, which are suitable for both men and women and available in multiple colors.

48. Loose Knit Sweater

This women’s loose-knit sweater has a baggy, comfortable design with a unique checkered and heart print. It is available in sizes S, M, and L.

49. Sports Underwear Set

This nylon underwear set consists of a support bra and high-waisted bottoms. It is breathable, comfortable, and seamless. It is also available in various sizes and colors.

50. Wavy Design Headband

These Korean headbands have a unique wavy design and are available in soft pastel colors. They can be the perfect addition to any outfit this year.

Other Winning Products: Unique Finds for 2024

51: Sofa Cat Scratcher

If you're a cat owner, you understand the problem: cats love to scratch. While this behavior is natural for cats, it often leads to ruined furniture. This is where the sofa cat scratcher we found on Sell The Trend comes to the rescue. It's designed to protect furniture while allowing cats to continue their scratching. When marketing the sofa cat scratcher, try to focus on its benefits. It not only protects your expensive furniture, but it also reduces stress for the pet owner, and it can even be a stylish home accessory!

52: Smart Portable Home Projector

In a time when streaming services are more popular than ever, home projectors can be a great product to sell. This particular one is compact and easy to move, perfect for small spaces or people who enjoy outdoor movie nights. You can sell it to many audiences, including tech enthusiasts, families, young professionals, and outdoor lovers. It's also suitable for people who frequently host movie nights or events. To market this product, try to show it in various settings: an indoor family movie night, a romantic rooftop cinema, or a sports event with friends outdoors:

53. Matching Card Puzzle

This matching card puzzle is a toy for children and an educational tool. It helps to develop critical cognitive skills such as memory, concentration, and problem-solving. Many parents are increasingly focused on their children's mental development from a young age, so educational toys like this are highly sought after. However, this item can also be sold to preschool educators, daycares, or gift-givers.

54. Mushroom Table Lamp

This mushroom table lamp is perfect for people who like unique, nature-inspired pieces. It can be bought by a young adult setting up their first apartment or an experienced homeowner looking to upgrade their home decor. The great thing about these is that you can sell them at many different price points, depending on how you position them. For example, if you want to target the young adult setting up their first apartment, you may price it at around $40. But you can also position it as an art piece, allowing you to sell it at $200 or higher.

55. Electronic Baby Nail Trimmer

Trimming a baby's nails can be scary; their tiny fingers and the fear of accidentally cutting them make many parents anxious. The electronic baby nail trimmer solves this problem by providing a safe and gentle way to trim a baby’s nails. Unlike manual clippers, it uses a gentle filing process that's completely pain-free!

56. Vacuum Food Sealer

A vacuum food sealer is a perfect solution for anyone who has ever been frustrated by spoiled food. It significantly extends the shelf life of perishable goods by removing air from the packaging. This not only helps reduce food waste, but it also helps maintain the nutritional value and freshness of food! Families can use it to purchase food in larger quantities, seal it, and store it without worrying about spoilage. It's adorable for busy people who want to cook meals in advance or those who like to take advantage of bulk buying to save money.

57. Heatless Hair Curler

This heatless hair curler we found on Zendrop is a great high-margin product that offers a way to achieve beautiful curls without the damage caused by traditional heated styling tools. The total cost for this product is $5.54, while some beauty brands sell it at $56 or higher! The heatless hair curler is loved by women who care about their hair's health and those who prefer a more natural approach to hair styling. To market this product, we recommend focusing on its key benefits: hair health, convenience, and ease of use. Tell how users can achieve beautiful curls without risking heat damage, which is a significant concern for many.

58. Ergonomic Neck Pillow

The ergonomic neck pillow is a product for anyone looking to improve their sleep quality. It's specially shaped to support the natural curve of your neck and head, leading to better spinal alignment during sleep. It helps to support a prevalent desire for everyone: good sleep. Therefore, this ergonomic neck pillow can be bought by anyone, from people suffering from neck and back pain to athletes looking for optimal recovery through better sleep. As a marketing tip, highlight customer reviews on your product page. Seeing others having experienced relief from neck pain or improved sleep quality can be very persuasive!

59. Foldable Hanging Laundry Basket

The foldable hanging laundry basket solves the common problem of limited space while adding features to the organization of your home. It can be hung on doors, closets, or walls, keeping the floor clear and making laundry easier to manage. And when it's not in use, it can be easily folded and stored away, making it perfect for small living spaces! This product isn't just a problem solver; it also comes with a 'wow' factor due to its clever design.

60. Pumpkin Pillow

The pumpkin pillow is a product that can instantly add charm to any living space. It can be trendy during the fall and Halloween seasons. The 'wow' factor of this product lies in the instant atmosphere it creates. Whether used as a prop for fall photo sessions or added to a seasonal display, it brings a festive spirit that's hard to overlook! The target audience for the pumpkin pillow includes home decor enthusiasts, seasonal decorators, and anyone who enjoys celebrating holidays and changing seasons through interior decoration.

61. Magnetic Levitation Desk Lamp

This magnetic levitation desk lamp is not just a light source; it’s a piece of modern art and technology combined! It uses magnetic fields to hold and spin a light bulb in mid-air, creating a unique visual effect ('wow' factor!). It’s perfect for anyone looking to add a futuristic touch to their workspace or home. Videos that show the lamp in action can quickly grab attention on social media platforms.

62. Collapsible Pet Bowl

This collapsible pet bowl is essential for pet owners who love to travel or take their furry friends on outdoor adventures. It's designed to fold flat, making it incredibly convenient to carry on trips, hikes, or just a day in the park. It can collapse to a fraction of its size, which means it can easily fit into a backpack, purse, or pocket.

63. Sand Free Beach Mat

The sand-free beach mat is a brilliant summer product for beach lovers. It solves the common annoyance of sand sticking to everything when relaxing by the sea or on any sandy terrain. The mesh-like fabric technology lets sand fall through the mat and not come back up, providing a clean surface. This results in a more enjoyable experience and means you won't have to haul bags full of sand back home! Videos or GIFs showing the mat in action (sand falling through and not coming back up) can be very powerful. They can quickly show the product’s benefits and wow potential buyers.

64. Gel Migraine Relief Hat

For many who suffer from migraines, finding effective relief can be a challenge. This gel migraine relief offers a new solution, combining the benefits of cold therapy with a wearable design to help practically reduce pain. It is designed to cover the entire area around the head and eyes, providing 360-degree coverage where cold pressure is often needed.
The gel within the hat can be cooled in the freezer and then worn to help reduce inflammation, constrict blood vessels, and provide a numbing effect, significantly reducing the intensity and duration of migraine symptoms. Unlike traditional ice packs or cooling patches that need to be held in place, this hat is hands-free, allowing you to continue with your day-to-day activities.

65. Pet Cooling Mat

People who have a pet always (well, most of the time) care a lot about their pet. What do you think will happen in the summer? Well, their pet will get hot for sure! And this mat could be the perfect solution for them. The target audience for this product includes pet owners who live in warm climates or are active outdoors with their pets during the summer.
It's adorable for owners of pets that may be more susceptible to heatstroke, such as older animals, breeds with thick fur, or those with health conditions that make them more prone to overheating.

66. Wearable Shark Blanket

Next is a super popular product on TikTok: the shark blanket! According to Sell The Trend, the product has made over $158k in sales from just the 11 stores it tracks (we're sure more stores are selling this blanket). Together with an average profit margin of 69%, these sellers could have made a great profit! The shark blanket is a hit with children, but parents looking for gifts for their kids also love it. It can even attract teenagers and adults with a love for quirky items!

67. Invisible Height Increase Insoles

These invisible height-increase insoles help people look taller unnoticeably and comfortably. Various thickness levels allow your customers to choose their height increase based on their needs and the type of shoes they wear.
With this product, you can target various audiences, such as people who are insecure about their height, professionals who want to appear taller in business settings, or even people who engage in activities where height might provide a psychological edge, such as sales or public speaking.

68. Soap Pump

This is a fun little kitchen gadget with a 'wow' and a problem-solving factor. It helps you easily add the right amount of soap to do the dishes. No mess or dripping! This could be an excellent product for kitchen gadget lovers!
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ShopHunter’s Shopify sales tracker offers a unique tool for ecom founders, particularly those in the Shopify ecosystem. At its core, it is a custom algorithm that estimates sales for entire stores and specific products, helping users quickly validate product potential.
The platform goes beyond basic sales tracking, featuring an ad spy tool that monitors advertising activity across stores. This combination lets users spot trending products and successful marketing strategies early on. Whether you're a dropshipper, a Shopify store owner, or someone looking to enter the e-commerce space, ShopHunter aims to streamline product research and reduce the risk of investing in low-performing items.
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